I have two.
But what about dog shelters? Over 4 million dogs enter shelters every year.
That’s a lot of dogs, y’all.
Enter the PEDIGREE Shelter Renovation Program
(By the way, this post is sponsored by PEDIGREE… to share about the good that’s happening for dogs. Read all the way to find out how you can help dogs too!)
I know the time it takes to tend to and make sure my dogs are fed and watered and loved… imagine the dogs in shelters.
Not only is it important for each dog to be well-taken care of …because it is humane and right and good, but also as families come through a shelter looking for a dog to love – a well cared-for shelter dog has a a better chance of leaving the shelter with a family than one who is not receiving adequate care.
Enter PEDIGREE. Since 2008, PEDIGREE has donated over 20 million pounds of food. PEDIGREE is now taking its commitment a step further with a national shelter renovation project, which will donate food and improve shelter facilities across the country.
Our beloved Kevin, and internet sweetheart was once a shelter pup… Now he’s a big boy. A big boy who wins the hearts of just about everyone. Kevin turned 5!!!
With the help of PEDIGREE Associates and community volunteers, 48 shelters in each of the contiguous U.S. states are being renovated by the partners at GreaterGood, and PEDIGREE food will also be donated to help their dogs look and feel their best while waiting for their forever homes.
Awhile back I wrote about the work PEDIGREE was doing with food (here). They (with the help of independent charitable organization GreaterGood), have taken it a step further… not only making efforts to feed, but big steps in improving the places shelter dogs live.
Miranda Lambert has a long history with dogs. Her story is very sweet…
You have to click and watch a renovation in process and listen to Miranda’s story. You MUST.
I am not sharing this just to tell you this is happening. Nope. I am sharing this because there is something YOU can easily do to help too!
PEDIGREE is making it possible for each of us to have an impact on the quality of life of shelter dogs.
We are asking you to share your story on Facebook or Twotter or Instagram using the hashtag #DogTales. Every dog owner has a story to tell. Stories of transformed lives, the impact a family pet has made on a home, the difference food has made in the life of a pet… I know I have countless stories. Mostly silly and many are shared on my Instagram account.
Miranda has shared her story, as have Josh Duhamel and David Ortiz. And you can should share your story too! When you do,don’t forget to use #DogTales and PEDIGREE will donate an additional bowl of food to a shelter in need.
I repeat, use #DogTales on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and PEDIGREE will donate an additional bowl of food to a shelter in need.
If you do share your story, I’d love to read about it! If you think about it, like to your share in the comments!