My Little Actors: The Wizard of Oz

by | Dec 13, 2011 | Parenting/Family | 4 comments

Nikko. Monkey.

Joel as Nikko - Monkey in Wizard of Oz
Ballerina. Lullaby League.

Livi in Lullaby League in Wizard of Oz

Lucy as Munchkin in Wizard of Oz
aaaaand… Little Witch.

Lucy as Little Witch in Wizard of Oz

Fortunately, I did not have to create the monkey face with make-up… nor did I have to green-ify my littlest. However… for 12 shows I applied foundation, eyeliner and mascara to ALLL THREE. It took me 45 minutes to get all their hair and make-up done each time.

And I’m a little bitter.

THEY got all the applause.

Kids. Always stealing my limelight.


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