My Live Webcast Debut on *twirling*

by | Jan 25, 2011 | Food & Drink, General | 2 comments

But first, may I make a little confession?

With all the video I do (which has been less than more lately)… I have a really hard time watching myself in video.

When editing and whathaveyou, I can watch me. But when it is all said and done. *hides eyes*

And then there are the times I have no editing control. That is the hardest for me.

I really like to have control. But this post is about cookies.

And I have NO control when it comes to cookies, yo.

With all that said, I was tickled to have been invited to be part of an Cookies Across America holiday baking webcast last December. I was brought in to be a part of making Melting Snowman cookies:

melting snowman cookie

To view the webcast, please visit this link.

The run-down:

I had my own wireless mic.
Did you know wireless body mics still have wires?
They gave me coffee.
And my very first “live broadcast” experience.
I unintentionally flung my cookie off it’s plate.
I broke a snowman’s “arm”.
But he didn’t cry.
My sweater was a ‘lil snug, but I knew I’d get to wear an apron, so… yay me!
I sure do like having my own mic.
But I’ve known this for awhile now.

Here are a few pictures of the morning from my vantage point: holiday webcast

They had all our stuff prepared. May I just say my favorite way of making cookies is when someone has made the cookie, the frosting and gathered the decorations! Allz I had to do was decorate. Oh, and that whole “live webcast” thing was happening too. holiday webcast

Look at those hard-working technical people doing their technical things!

Apparently, Allrecipes took a few picture of me too… Clearly, I was focused on the task at-hand:

snowman with pretzel arms

me want cookie


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