Father’s Day.
That’s today, just in case you weren’t sure.
Thanks and props to the dads who serve and sacrifice and tickle fight.
Props to the dads who sit through ballet recitals and wear piggy tails so your daughter can practice hair design…
And props to the dad who goofs off in the fun house…
Props to my guy. I knew when I married you, you would be an amazing dad… but I really had no idea. I had high expectations, but you exceeded them.
And props to MY dad. As I enter the teen years with my son, and as we deal with the growing expenses of growing children, I grow more and more in awe of you and all you have done and dealt with.
It’s not an easy job, beng dad… but it is an honorable one that comes with perks only dads can enjoy… Isn’t it amazing how little girls can make mountains out of molehills piggy tails out of a buzz cut?