February: Photo a Day

by | Feb 12, 2012 | Photography | 1 comment

Just takin’ pictures

10 am

At ten in the morning… Just out of the shower.. Being the boss of my coffee and wearing deodorant and such.


Ah… dinner. Every day. It happens EVERY DAY. So why does it always catch me by surprise?


Button. This is one of the most important buttons of my life.


I live in the Pacific NorthWET. No sun on this day. So… rain gutters. With rain. Rain. rain.

front door

My front door. And the big metal star that hangs to the left of it. I love stars…

self portrait

In my laundry room. With my laundry. We spend a lot of time together, Laundry and I…

makes you happy

This bug. She makes me happy. In fact, all my kids do… but this one is the only one who really lets me take her picture. So… she wins.

As do I…


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Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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