That’s what this post is all about… favorite things.
MY favorite things.
I can’t really write about anyone else’s favorite things on account of the fact I am not anyone else.
Which is probably a really good thing.
I am especially not Oprah.
If I was, then you’d all be getting all of the things I am about to blather on about.
I bet you hate that I am not Oprah right now.
Especially since the first on my list of favorite things is cable knit blankets.
I found this one while searching “cable knit blankets” on Etsy. This one is by OzarksMomma and I am in love.
Next favorite thing: TURQUOISE FIESTAWARE
(Photo Credit: Robin Shetler/Flickr)
If ever someone had the hots for dinnerware… tis me.
I made the worst mistake when I bought Martha Stewart dinnerware several years back. Within weeks there were scratches, chips, and clouding. My Ikea dinnerware we used for 12 years held up better over 12 years than Martha Stewart dinnerware did for 2 months. CONSUMER BEWARE: BUY NOTHING FROM THAT MARTHA STEWART. I am certain she does not use her own products. She would embarrass herself. And Martha, though a felon, would never eat nor serve from the dishes I have served and eaten from for the last few years.
Oh privilege.
Hitherhencetofore: turquoise Fiestaware lust.
I am currently working on a plan to turn that lust into ownership.
Next favorite thing: TASSEL GARLANDS
The one that hangs over the fireplace is from Etsy seller Studio Mucci. The tassels are so.. so… TASSELED. Each tassel is the length of my forearm. If you are going to do tassles, DO TASSELS.
I am also loving embroidery hoop art.
And PopSugar’s #musthavebox. I’ve been trying to quit it, but I am finding it quite hard to quit them. Use my referral link (here) if you want to get addicted and help a girl support her habit too.
Another favorite thing is more of a DOing thing. I am a bit obsessed with pinning WHole30 recipes. Looks like I’m gonna give it another run in January. Why?
Wait. That’s a line from a movie.
But I’m starting again on Jan 12. Join in if you want! I’ll be here, sharing, complaining, and sticking to it like a boss.
Something else that is a favorite of mine is sleeping children.
I am also a fan of sleep for myself.
That is most certainly a favorite thing.
I also love a clean house. That’s a favorite.
(I don’t like cleaning it, to be clear.)
I have spent many years trying to embrace the philosophy/idea that a mess house = happy kids.
Give myself an out.
Instead I have concluded that philosophy is bull crap.
I prefer this sentiment.
For me, a messy house = a grumpy mom and a grumpy mom = children in therapy in 10-20 years. And also children who cannot find their socks.
Yeah, yeah… there’s balance. I don’t want to clean my house/slave drive the family at the expense of living life. How.Ever. There is merit to order and I have learned my family functions most beautifully when our home is clean. We can find socks. And forks. And toilet paper. And pencils.
Another favorite thing is Hawaii.
My husband and I celebrated our 20th anniversary earlier this month and we went to Hawaii. I used to feel jealous of people who got to go to Hawaii (this was our first time). Now I am even more jealous of people who go to Hawaii for now I know what I am missing. Before it was an ideal. Now I know the ideal is real, and warm, and I miss her.
When out catching waves I felt like the little girl inside me that used to stay out in the water all day body surfing and boogie boarding. Sure I got hit in the head with my board. But it only made me more determined. Please pay no attention to the ugly yellow rash guard. It was standard issue. Next time I’ll be sure to come prepared with my own. THERE BETTER BE A NEXT TIME.
Speaking of net time and adequate sleep… it has grown quite late. Most of my meandering, bunny trail-esque posts are born in the late hours, as has become with this one. Thank you for tarrying on with me … not only in through this post, but through this year. It’s been a trying one and I have been so blessed by the community I have in yous guize. I can’t wait for 2015. I have decided it is going to be a great year. I expect 2015 will kick the butt of 2014. CAN I GET AN AMEN?!