Has eBay affected your shopping habits? Have you ever sold on eBay?
It’s likely eBay has affected your life in some way… I know that around here, it has been a great resource for my musician husband. And a resource for me to find the not-so-easy to find stuff.
I’ve even earned a few bucks by selling on eBay.
On occasion, I swing by a yard sale or Goodwill with the hopes of stumbling across a sweet little vintage or unique find, but until I saw this video I hadn’t really considered eBay a source for finding cool treasures as well…
To be honest, I was unfamiliar with Jonathan Adler until just a couple moths ago when I purchased one of his phone cases at a shop at the airport…

I was inspired by Jonathan’s story (can I call you by your first name, Jonathan?). I too, love orange! Also, I am going through a bit of a design crisis. Ish. I want more color and visual fun in my home. More CHARACTER! I find the standard-issue choices from department stores leave me feeling bland and meh.
And broke.
eBay has been a great money-saving resource for our family. From buying and selling used clothing and handbags, to guitars, to other music-related gear, to craft supplies… But this is the first I’ve considered it as a place for fun finds to spruce up my home… an estate sale while sitting at my desk?!
Now that’s just fun!
Look at this cute little guy. He’d be so cute on a bookshelf. I love owls…

I scored BIG points on that!
How about you? Do you have a favorite eBay memory? Do you search eBay for unique treasures or for practical things? Would you say you are more of a buyer or seller?

Don’t forget to visit Jenny On the Spot on Facebook. It’s just like here, but it’s not. You know, ‘cuz it’s Facebook, so… And Twitter. And YouTube. Definitely YouTube…

Peace and Sparkles!
Stay ON THE SPOT! Don’t miss a sparkly thing! Get JOTS posts in your inbox!
Don’t forget to visit Jenny On the Spot on Facebook. It’s just like here, but it’s not. You know, ‘cuz it’s Facebook, so… And Twitter. And YouTube. Definitely YouTube…

Peace and Sparkles!
Stay ON THE SPOT! Don’t miss a sparkly thing! Get JOTS posts in your inbox!