We went camping recently. A quick trip… 2 nights. Not too far away. But it was camping nonetheless.
To be completely honest… I really like camping. I like the adventure of it. But I also like a campground with showers and toilets. Personally, I prefer not using the FACILITREES. But we do tent camp… not because I am a staunch “IF YOU CAMP, YOU MUST TENT CAMP” person, but because we have a house payment and a car payment, which means our camping budget can be summed up in one word: TENT.
Now. If you know me, you know I am a bit of a lover of the coffee. This does not change just because I go camping. NOPE. In fact… I have extra fun with my coffee because… WHO NEEDS A REASON?!
I made a little video that peeks in on how my *boring* family behaves while camping…. AND I also share this formerly super-secret Camp Coffee recipe. Secret-ish…
How about you? Do you like to camp? What’s your camping style? Do you have any trips or tricks that make your camping expereince super-rad?
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