Are you a happy, healthy, busy mom?
Well, what being MOM isn’t busy?
How about happy and/or healthy?
Those aren’t always as easy to come by when you add the word busy in front of mom.
As a busy mom, I always feel happier when I am healthier… but it’s hard to make the healthier choices when the clock hits 3 p.m. and I realize I’ve only had a cup of coffee (O.K., I’ll be honest TWO or THREE cups of coffee), and a banana all day.
Let’s face it, when it comes down to being able to sit down and eat a good, healthy meal… it is not an easy thing to do.
Right, Busy Moms?
As hard as I try, there are a few meals a week I miss due to getting lost in the tasks of the day.
And whathaveyou.
I try to keep what I call “rushing out the door” options on hand to help keep me out of the cookie bag or fast food lane later in the day… from protein bars, to Greek yogurt, to apples and bananas, to protein drinks.
Which brings me to my point… I was recently introduced to the Evolve brand of protein drinks. Evolve is a new protein drink shaped by Muscle Milk… an ideal go-to drink for gals like us.
I’m just assuming you are busy too. I know I am not the busiest of the busy, either!
Evolve is lactose and gluten free. It contains only 110 calories, including 12 grams of protein, vitamins and minerals and is a pretty good source of fiber!
The thing we need to be careful about, when it comes to quick meal solutions, especially protein drinks and bars is… sugar content. Well, I know I need to be careful about it. I have been around the block and know some of these drinks and bars have quite a bit of sugar… some of these women-focused drinks have at least 18-20 grams of sugar per serving.
That’s a lot.
Evolve protein drinks have 7 grams. So, in short, comparatively, Evolve has less sugar, more protein, and fewer calories… The drinks weigh in at 110 calories – compared to nearly 200 per serving in many others. It is available in five flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla Creme, Strawberry, Mixed Berry and Cafe Latte.
I’ll admit, protein drinks and bars are not my first choice when it comes to meals, but I have discovered having quick options to get me out of a pinch without totally “blowing it” have become an invaluable tool in my quest to eat healthier.
When I have gone too long without eating, it is far too easy to grab a handful of chocolate chips, a fistful of cookies, or swing through a drive thru while I am out and about… And occasionally on the mornings I choose to get an early work-out in. There is noothing like heading into a workout class without any fuel to go on. Or working away at my desk when I just need a little something to keep the snackies away… Having quick, healthier options available make it a lot easier for me to skip the bad stuff.

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*This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Evolve blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.*