A Food Craft How To: Banana Sushi

by | Jan 29, 2016 | Food & Drink, Video

Banana sushi.

I like the idea of “food craft”, don’t you?

I don’t, however, like the idea of spending hours on creating a gorgeous edible piece that will be chomped away in minutes.

Some folks live for that, and I think that is great. I love to admire their handiwork and then eat it.

how to make banana sushi

But for me, I enjoy crafting food that is fun/cute/clever, but I like it to not take too much time.

Hitherhencetofore… BANANA SUSHI

You hands WILL get a little messy. But it’s no big deal.

It’s crazy easy, friends. A banana, peanut butter (or your choice of nut butter… I had one reader on Facebook suggest Nutella!), and crispy rice cereal. Pour the cereal on a plate, use a butter knife to cover the banana with peanut butter, and coat in cereal. Slice and serve… with chopsticks to take the fun to 11 😉

banana sushi via @jennyonthespot

I actually posted about this little fun treat before, but without video. Since video seems to be all the rage, and I copy cat things better when I can see all the steps – I thought I’d create my own DIY on this fun little food craft!

Do you create food projects? What is one of your favorite things to make?

Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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