A Dead Bird Memorial: As Only 7 Year Olds Can Memorialize A Dead Bird

by | Jun 4, 2012 | Video

I mentioned in an earlier post that my daughter and her two friends held a memorial for a dead bird.

3 girls

But a written story about their tribute to the dead bird just doesn’t tell the story…

No. The memorial is not memorialized in video.

To set the standard for all future dead bird memorials…

Rest in peace, Rosie.

bird memorial

Update: We thought Kevin (you know Kevin) found Rosie and played with her. Because the kids found a “smooshed” bird by our back basement door… But apparently not. Kevin likes to chase rabbits and flies. And it seems our basement door/window area is where birds go to die. Joel asked why, and I said, “I think that area must be a like a bird Bermuda Triangle. He was all wide-eyed and, ‘REALLY?!” I was all, “No.” ANd he was all, “Oh.”

I think he wanted our house to be a bird Bermuda Triangle. My kids are so sick.

And awesome.

P.S. I have two giveaways going right now… One with jump ropes and chocolate and the other is about coffee and $1000. I. Know! Get crackin’!


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