Ready for the Holidays with Frito Lay’s #FestiveFlavors

by | Dec 11, 2015 | Food & Drink, Sponsored

Hello Holiday Season!

Oh how busy you keep us!

*I’ve partnered with Frito Lay in this sponsored campaign. All opinions, snacking tips, and holiday problem-solving are my own.*

As much as I’d love to have my kitchen full of home-baked goodness at the ready when surprise guests come by… I don’t.

I simply can’t.

Part of the reason the holiday season is SO busy is because we are fitting in all the fun stuff around all the stuff we still have to do – work, after-school activities, laundry, grocery shopping, errand running, and more errand running.

Years before Elsa “let it go” in Frozen… I did.

I had to let go of my high-ideals to let room in for actually enjoying the season

So, instead of putting pressure on myself to have perfectly prepared dishes to share… I just need to know I actually HAVE food to offer.

Ready for the holidays with Frito Lay's #FestiveFlavors

Ready for the holidays? YES I AM.

And it’s yummy treats.

I mean, who doesn’t love a dipped pretzel?!

Ready for the holidays with Frito Lay's #FestiveFlavors

When I headed to Walgreens to get my pantry surprise-guest-ready, I found these cute tins…

Ready for the holidays with Frito Lay's #FestiveFlavors

I thought to myself, “HEY! These would make great little hostess gifts!

Ready for the holidays with Frito Lay's #FestiveFlavors

So I loaded my cart with ROLD GOLD Peppermint Dipped Pretzels & Classic Dipped Pretzels, Holiday CHEETOS Sweetos, and CRACKER JACK Sugar Cookie Popcorn. I could have filled the tin with any of it, but I went with the dipped pretzels because… DIPPED PRETZELS, PEOPLE.

I picked up some holiday paper plates and napkins while I was at Walgreens too…

Ready for the holidays with Frito Lay's #FestiveFlavors

…to up my “Holiday Festive” level to 11…

Ready for the holidays with Frito Lay's #FestiveFlavors

Long story short… I’m ready.


I’m ready for surprise guests, or to BE a surprise guest.

Not too shabby, eh?

Now if I can only keep the family from dipping into my stash of party, um… SUPPLIES.

#FestiveFlavors with Frito Lay

So… are YOU ready? Have you stocked up?

Check out Walgreens on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. And check out Frito-Lay on Twitter, Facebook, InstagramPinterest, and of course their website here.

Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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