If you caught this post about Kevin that I shared awhile back, then you will know that we got our dog Kevin from a shelter… our local Humane Society.
It’s funny. Kevin is not what one might call “trained”… and dogs that are not trained are not necessarily a favorite.
But there’s something about Kevin. Even our UPS guy adores him.
Even though Kevin likes to go visit our UPS guy IN his truck.
He’s just a great dog with great charm and a great personality.
Emphasis PERSONality. Well, maybe a generally unimpressed personality.
However unimpressed he makes himself out to be, we are convinced he thinks he is a person too… a happy, straight-faced, lick-your-face person.
Just think, 5 or so years ago he was a wee little shelter pup just patiently waiting for us to take him home.
It’s fun to hear the #DogTales of others too. It’s especially sweet to hear about families heading to dog shelters to find the newest memeber of their family.
In this video, Josh Duhamel shares about his shelter dog, Meatloaf. Watch to hear the story how Meatloaf got his name. And watch to find out how Pedigree is helping feed shelter dogs across the country.
(Having trouble viewing the video? Watch here.)
Meatloaf inspired Josh Duhamel to spend his free time helping shelter dogs. And Pedigree provides good food to shelters in need at no cost. In fact, Pedigree has donated 20 million pounds of food to shelters in need since 2008.
And then there’s David Ortiz’s story too. I love hearing these stories! And these dogs are so sweet!!!
(Having trouble viewing the video? Watch here.)
*I’m sharing this as part of a sponsored post partnership with Pedigree* and because there is something we all can do to help bring more meals to shelter dogs. In many if not most cases, the dogs that come into shelters are skinny and emaciated. Getting good food to these dogs is key to making the dogs adoptable… to bring them to the point they can go live in their forever homes.
How can you help? Every time dog lovers tell their tale of what their dog means to them, using #DogTales on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, PEDIGREE© will donate a bowl of food to a shelter in need.
So what I’m sayin’ is – go tweet or share a post of Facebook or a cute Instagram photo and be sure to use #DogTales and get a bowl of food to a sweet shelter doggie!
Oh, and mark your calendar – on March 18 from 11 a.m. to noon CST, share your story using #DogTales and join Josh and David as they tweet fans! How much would it rock to make #DogTales a trending topic? Oh how many bowls of food for needy dogs would that end up being???!
But you don’t have to wait for March 18th. You can do hashtag #DogTales to your hearts content and start helping fill doggie bellies now!
And while you’re at it… do you have a story to share about your dog? If so, I’d love to read about it in the comments!