Washi, Duct, Masking, Shipping, and Magic Tape

by | Aug 10, 2013 | Artsy Craftsy, Sponsored | 8 comments

I’m gonna give it to you straight…I love tape.

Washi tape, duct tape, masking tape, shipping tape, magic tape…

Tape, tape, TAPE!!!

Fun washi tape ideas | jennyonthespot

What is washi tape? It’s, basically… paper tape that has a bit less stick to it. Which is actually quite handy as that means it is – removable!

Look and this cutie-wootie little flag making this pice of cake look like it’s having it’s very own party…

Washi tape adds STYLE | DIY | Personalize | jennyonthespot.com

Go tape or GO HOME!

Washi and magic tape add STYLE | DIY | Personalize | jennyonthespot.com
I have a whole Pinterest board dedicated to washi tape! And Office Depot carries the largest assortment of Expressions Tape in the Scotch Expressions Tape line. Everything featured here, was made with assorted 3M Expression tapes from Office Depot.

This girl loves her some decorative tape! I even made a video about washi tape! So when an opportunity to work with Office Depot and 3M Expressions Tape came my way I was more happy than Bubba Gump on boat full of shrimp!

Washi tape, duct tape, masking tape, shipping tape, magic tape, tape tape…

I first fell in love with decorative tape (washi tape, specifically) many months ago. I began by incorporating the tape into my daily journal, and now I am putting tape stinking EVERYWHERE. 3M Expressions tape makes it excessively easy… I am no longer limited to washi tape. I can now pick my poison, if you will… AND YOU CAN TOO. With 3M Expressions tape, you can go WILD with duct, magic, masking, shipping, and of course my first love… washi tape.

Look what we can do with MAGIC TAPE!

Washi tape adds STYLE | DIY | Personalize | jennyonthespot.com

Fancied-up votive holders and votives!

Washi tape adds STYLE | DIY | Personalize | jennyonthespot.com

Make your own envelope seals!

Washi tape adds STYLE | DIY | Personalize | jennyonthespot.com

What a charming bookmark, no?

All of those above were made with magic tape… WHICH O.M.G.OODNESS… DECORATIVE MAGIC TAPE, Y’ALL!!! Wrapping Christmas presents is going to a whole new level this year! Of course, all you see above can totally be created with washi tape as well. I had just never met such fancy magic tape and I probably should have made a video to capture all my giggling and squealing over such awesome tape fun.

Seriously. HEAVEN.

Of course I can’t not share a few washi creations with you… It IS my first love…

Washi tape adds STYLE | DIY | Personalize | jennyonthespot.com
Washi tape adds STYLE | DIY | Personalize | jennyonthespot.com
Plain pencils and index cards become personalized tools and fun notes. And it’s so easy. So easy. From decorating journals, to adding color and pop to envelopes and clothes pins… you can decorate pumpkins and pencils and toothpicks… You can even decorate FINGERNAILS with washi tape! Seriously. Google it or check out my Wash Tape Pinterest board. After I had finished all of my tape projects, I even washi’d a mason jar and added a layer of Mod Podge and now my 11 y.o. has a very cute pencil holder!

Warning: once you go washi… you never go back.

For serious.

But how about masking tape?


decorative tape adds STYLE | DIY | Personalize | jennyonthespot.com
Brilliant, right? Give the kids some masking tape and brown paper bags and they can make their OWN gift bags! Or, say little Sally wants to help with her birthday party… let her design the gift bags she’ll be handing out. Inexpensive and fulfilling – boom boom!

Speaking of design-your-own, I let my Lucy loose with my assorted tapes and a notebook for school, and look what she did:

duct tape adds STYLE | DIY | Personalize | jennyonthespot.com
Did you know a little decorative shipping tape can make all the difference between a plain-old package with stuff in it and a package WITH STUFF IN IT!

decorative packing tape adds STYLE | DIY | Personalize | jennyonthespot.com
Oh but then add washi tape and/or decorative masking tape to a package and I dare there not be a party in that box.


And finally, probably our most favorite around the house right now… duct tape bracelets…

Duct tape adds STYLE | DIY | Personalize | jennyonthespot.com
ADORABLE! I learned how to make these from this video here. When I can gather a bit more time, I’ll make my own duct tape bracelet tutorial. Until then, that video will get you there perfectly. It’s SUPER easy. I cranked out two in under 10 minutes. Next up? A duct tape WALLET, perhaps???

Ahhh… Look at this 8th wonder of the world…

decorative tape adds STYLE | DIY | Personalize | jennyonthespot.com

Personalize, craftifize, happifize, and organize your stuff and stuff to you want to give!

Did you go look at that selection? DID YOU?! What was your favorite? Have you met washi tape before? I didn’t realize until I started working with Office Depot on this project that there was a whole world of decorative tape I was missing out on. I am so excited to tell you all about it. I think fun tape could help make the world a better place. Or at least a bit more fun to look at.


*Disclosure: I received 3M Expressions Tape to help facilitate this review and was compensated by Office Depot for my time. For more information, about Scotch Expressions Tape at Office Depot.


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