100 Good Deeds: #DeedADay Movement

by | Dec 29, 2014 | Life, Social Good | 3 comments

This is the time of year we look back and look forward. We take stock, which moves many to resolve to make changes.

Exercise more!

Eat less!

Get organized!

Etc and whathaveyou.

Anytime is a great time to decide to live better. To be better.

But the start of a new year has a way of stoking the fire of good intentions… or RESOLUTIONS.

Whether or not you are setting a resolution for the new year, you (and me) (we!) can do good.

Around this time of year I always debate with me… to resolve or not resolve. And then something like the 100 Good Deeds bracelet comes along and along comes clarity.


More than a really cool bracelet, the 100 Good Deeds bracelet is a cause… to encourage everyone to do a good deed.

Or 100.

Instead of resolving to declutter or count calories (which are both great, don’t get me wrong!), consider resolving to do good: #DeedADay.


Imagine, if we all did one good deed a day.




Remember that one time someone offered you grace instead of a reprimand? It can be a day changer.

Imagine if you, and you, and you, and your friend, and their friend, and…


The 1GD bracelet gives us 100 chances to be grateful. A good deed means we’ve gone out of our way to help someone and only counts if the deed remains anonymous. Each time you do a good deed, move the ring on the bracelet closer to the button.


TOGETHER we change the world… one deed, one bead, one act of kindness at a time. These Bracelets are made by vulnerable women who’ve been trained for this work in Uganda, India, Indonesia, Zambia, South Africa, Rwanda, and Haiti. This project gives a women a way to support their families through earnings, while empowering them to also contribute to good deeds around the world.

The bracelets are designed by Mary Fisher, author, artists and AIDS advocate. The 100 Good Deeds bracelet is both a fashion statement and a cause. This non-profit provides economic and educational opportunities to women and girls across Africa and elsewhere. Proceeds from 1GD bracelets are reinvested in the program to provide more women and girls with more training in more countries.

Even by simply purchasing a bracelet, a good deed is done. Which leaves 99 good deeds to go. I’ve already purchased two bracelets to give to  friends I know will not only adore the fashion, but will adore the heart behind these lovely bracelets. And they will rise to the challenge.

Won’t you join me? Join the #DeedADay movement… share one of these images on Facebook (and TAG), Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest using hashtag #DeedADay and let’s flood the web with a good deeds movement! Follow 100 Good Deeds on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and Pinterest.

And in case I need to say it again – SHARE!


Let’s resolve to do good in 2015 – yes?



I was gifted this 100 Good Deeds bracelet to review and share with my readers. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed herein are my own. 

Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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