A friend of mine messaged me and was all,
“Darling. Can you do some boozy research on the best drinks to make while watching election results? Something patriotic? Something red, blue, or mixed up into purple and infused with positivity? I feel like we need more kindness as a nation and there’s an opportunity to spread peace and sparkles right now.”
I read that and I thought…. “SHE IS BRILLIANT.”
Ten Election Day Libations and…
an Election Day Drinking Game!
But I’ve always thought that about this friend. I have been so focused on trying NOT to focus on the election (or the masses reaction to all the things that can be reacted to in this icky process) that I wrote off ANYTHING related to election-ing.
Until her message. So I did a little research and found some drinks that either had patriotic color, or names, or just looked delicious.
But before I give you the list, here’s a drinking game to make it a little more fun.
If that is at all possible.
Now that you have a game to guide you… here is a round-up of patriotic drinks to play by. I have included one non-alcoholic recipe as well!
Are you read? OK! Here you go… 10 election day inspired cocktail recipes gathered from around the web!
Berry United
I chose this recipe because I thought the name was PERFECT. Also, because it sounds DELICIOUS. You can grab this recipe here.
An Old Fashioned

I chose to feature an Old Fashioned because, well… as a patriotic nod to our founding forefathers. You can grab this recipe for an Old Fashioned here.
Pink Gin Fizz
I chose this drink because it’s red-ish and it sparkles. And also: GIN. You can grab this Pink Gin Fizz recipe here.
Blue Margarita
I chose this because… it’s blue. And it is also a margarita. You can this Blue Margarita recipe is right here.
Bourbon Mulled Cider
I know. It’s not blue. It’s not purple. It’s not green. But it’s November and it’s cold outside – in some states. Some of y’all may want something warm. Plus, politics is often cold-blooded. This may be the only thing warm any of us have had in months. Grab the recipe for Bourbon Mulled Cider here!
Layered Patriotic Punch (non-alcoholic!)
This election is historic. Regardless of controversy, this stuff is important for our kids to experience. And they can have fun drinks too! Snag the punch recipe here!
Election Day Jolly Rancher-infused Shooters
This needs no explanation. Get the JOLLY recipe here!
Wild Mustang
It’s a cool name. Very Americana. So… it’s on the list. Find the Wild Mustang recipe here!
Last Straw
The name of this drink is awesome. It is also creamy. Elections are all about freedom of choice, so you are free to choose to drink your dessert. Recipe is right here.
Election Day Cranberry Cream Cooler

This is a simple one. And colorless. I think there’s something to be read into that… Election Day Cranberry Cream Cooler recipe here!
El Presidente
The reason I chose this one is obvious. El Presidente recipe here.
May your words be kind and heart be gracious.