Smelling pretty.
It’s kind-of a big deal.
To me, for sure. But I suppose I shouldn’t speak for you.
*This story is sponsored by Herbal Essences. All opinions and going on and on are my own.*
I love smelling pretty.
What do I love more than knowing I smell good?
Being told I smell good.
It’s true. It’s one thing to know you smell great, and a whole other thing for others to be moved to say something about it.
You know what I mean… you know that person who walks by and they leave a trail of good smellness behind them. Not the overwhelming ones. We know those folks too. I’m talking about the ones that walk away leaving our noses thinking adjective like… nice, fresh, clean, pretty.
Or you know when you wash your hands with great smelling soap and you just want to keep your hands at your nose all day because they smell so awesome.
So… with all that said, I would have to say that one of my #ScentGoals has long been to smell fantastic. For myself.
And for the compliments.
I have used Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner for many years and I often receive compliments on how great I smell. I keep using it because not only do I think it smells great, but also because I am addicted to the compliments.
Combine that with great smelling body wash and…
I am a big believer in layering. I live in the Pacific Northwest.
We layer.
But layering isn’t just for clothing… I love layering scents as well.
I guess one would say I have a couple of #ScentGoals:
- Smell so great I get lots of compliments on said great smelling-ness
- Layer scents to help achieve my own perfect scent. A signature scent, if you will.
I achieved that in high school. I wore Exclamation. A lot of it.
I am a different person now. Thankfully.
Ahhh… good ol’ 1986-1991.
My scent options are better these days too.
My daily routine reflects my own #ScentGoals… I am a morning shower-er. I love starting my day feeling clean and getting that first layer of fresh smelling goodness on my skin. Sudsing up with Hello Hydration (my personal favorite right now… hydration AND coconut – AWESOME!) is a positive way to wake-up too! Coffee isn’t the only thing that perks me up! Starting out the day clean is like starting out with a fresh canvas, and a great smelling body wash is the foundation of that canvas of yours/mine/ours.
Obviously, with the Herbal Essences selection there are many great choices – which means many great scent options to start the day. But I have to ask, how about you? How do you start your day? What are your #ScentGoals?
Hey! How about a coupon? Actually, there’s a lot of coupons – go here! Who doesn’t love to save AND smell great?!