American Girl Relaunches Bitty Baby Line!

by | Aug 12, 2013 | Sponsored | 4 comments

I repeat,

American Girl is relaunching their Bitty Baby Line!

From their press release: “On August 27, 2013, little girls and their parents will have more to celebrate and explore with the debut of American Girl’s newly enhanced Bitty Baby© line of high-quality 15-inch baby dolls, outfits, and accessories.”

Currently, American girl offers 7 Bitt Baby options, but in a few short weeks those options will expand to eleven.


I was honored to be able to share this news with a group of over 100 women at a special party at the American Girl store in Chicago a couple of weeks ago. I got to see this expanded, and enhance line with MY OWN EYES!

The enhanced Bitty Baby line from American Girl!

I co-hosted this event with my dear friend, fellow mom, and co-American Girl passionate — Danielle Smith of

PicMonkey Collage

What is it about dolls? ESPECIALLY American Girl dolls… they just have a way of bringing out the little girl in all of us…

Clock wise from top left: Laura of MOMables, Leslie of Today’s Every Mom, Estelle of Musings on Motherhood and Midlife, and that group of sillies is Lucrecer, Jeanette, and Janice!

The first American Girl doll I bought was a Bitty Baby for my now eleven-year-old daughter. She was 3 at the time.

I was a young teen by the time American Girl hit the scene… so my fascination with the line didn’t hit until I found out I was having a little girl. I remember I COULDN’T WAIT until Livi was old enough to be given a Bitty Baby. I was probably more excited about the doll than my daughter… because an this doll is not just any doll, an American Girl doll is practically a rite of passage.

Something I adore the most about the American Girl brand is reflected in the following statement from the company, “American Girl has provided inspiring products for each stage of a young girl’s development-from her preschool days of baby dolls and fantasy play through her tween years of self-expression and individuality.”

The entirety of the brand focuses not just on doll quality, but the little person who will be receiving their doll, and books, and accessories. The historical books do not just tell the story behind the doll, but are written to teach about the time in history the doll has been created from. Girls can get lost in a pretend world, but also learn about a time long gone. It isn’t just the historical books that impress but as a mom of a tween, I am so thankful American Girl has stretched beyond what I would typically expect of a doll-maker, and is helping bridge the gap of growth for our little girls. Their books for tweens are just what young girls (and moms!) need as we bitter-sweetly grow-up.

Yes, the doll, but American Girl strives to reach and influence the whole girl with a quality message. In a world filled with mixed messages and many Hollywood teens not wanting to be role models, American Girl a refreshing and hopeful for this mom.

BUT… back to BITTY BABY!

“After selecting her doll from the expanded choices, a girl will receive her Bitty Baby doll dressed in a signature sleeper, along with a special “wishing star” keepsake toy and Bitty Baby and Me, the first in a series of five hardcover picture books that inspire fun ways to play.”

Bitt Baby

Of course American girl thinks of everything and a visit to a store or online, one can find new outfits to further personalize one’s Bitty Baby.

And of course, the Bitty baby picture book line…


Pure sweetness. Lovely, sweet loveliness…

Though my Livi had another doll or two, I was SO excited to give her a Bitty Baby. The outstanding reputation of American Girl made buying a Bitty Baby for my favorite little girl high on my priority list. That’s why I was so excited to join with one of my favorite friends and favorite brands and help throw a party that would help spread the joy and continue to pass on this rite of passage – American Girl Doll and Bitty Baby ownership. The best part of the night was getting to hear the squeals of joy and delight as the attendees were told each would be receiving a Bitty baby from the new line! Some even cried.

Because the gift of an American Girl doll is not just a gift, it is truly a treasure.

Since that evening we have been seeing Instagrams and blog posts and tweets about the joy that is now being delivered to homes across the country… as little girls are meeting, and caring for their new babies. You have to see this post by Cristi of Motherhood Unadorned. Her daughter is SO precious with her baby. I die.

What do you think? Do you (or on of your daughters) own a Bitty Baby or one of the other dolls? Which one? Have you visited a store? Lucy has Emily and Livi has Julie, and a Bitty. The girls want to get their girls’ ears pierced. Which, did you know they can do that? So stinking awesome. I’d love to hear your story that bonds you to American Girl. Working with them has given me opportunity to hear so many sweet stories. And I think that sums it up the best… American Girl has added sweetness to the childhood of millions of little girls… and to the hearts of their mothers.

*Disclosure: I was compensated by American Girl to help with the event in Chicago. It has been a pleasure and honor to work with a company that is doing great things for little girls. All opinion that American Girl is magical is my very, very own.


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