Party On With The Plenti Program, a New Loyalty Program for Shoppers

by | Jun 2, 2015 | Family & Friends, Sponsored

The last time I wrote about the Plenti Program (a new rewards program for shoppers) I was gearing up for a Memorial Day party…

Purchases using Plenti from Rite Aid and Macy's

And what a party it was!

BTW… I am a paid ambassador for Plenti. All opinion and fun that was had at the party was my own. And also the fun of the party people.

Plenti Logo

Plenti is a new loyalty program that allows shoppers to earn and redeem points across favorite brands.

Basically: use the Plenti app or card at participating partners and earn rewards toward purchases at those retailers.

So when I went shopping for Memorial Day supplies, I went to Rite Aid and Macy’s and made sure I used my Plenti app.

At the barbecue the kids played with bubbles and toys I secured at Rite Aid…



kids in the yardAnd they played with moarrrrre bubbles…

bubble machine from Rite Aid

And. More. Bubbles.


The adults had their tomfoolery at the grill…

typical adult silliness is typical

Typical adult silliness is typical, especially when ice cream and drinks are involved.

typical adult silliness is typical

typical adult silliness

Most certainly, no one went hungry.




We call that basket-o-chips our “Chip Corral”

We think we are brilliant.

There were LOTS of hamburgers and hotdogs and brats and homemade ice cream at the party too. (I got an ice cream maker at Macy’s) (which means I earned Plenti points – WOOT!) But as it is with meat and ice cream foods, they went FAST.

Faster than a camera shutter, I suppose.

I take that as compliments to the chef(s).

Of course I was happy as a clam to have my home and deck filled with the chatter and laughter of friends, but I was also happy about the new gear I got to use to help serve and prepare food for everyone…

IMG_1036_blogPicMonkey Collage_blogIMG_1047_blog


And of course I was excited to get to wear my new polka dot top from Macy’s…

polka dot top from Macy's

polka dot top from Macy's

I used my Plenti app at Rite Aid and Macy’s to purchase serving dishes, toys, chips, and beverages (for the kids AND the adults).


I bought sunscreen too, but we didn’t need it.


Enroll in the Plenti Program here. There are currently several Plenti partners including… AT&T, Exxon, Macy’s, Mobil, Nationwide, Rite Aid, Direct Energy, Enterprise, and Hulu. Use Plenti to pay your AT&T bill, and redeem your points with Plenti Partners. For example, when I went to Rite Aid recently, I used my Plenti card and was given the option to use my Plenti points to pay.

Plenti program

What did you do on Memorial Day?

Have you checked out the Plenti app yet?

Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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