If I could go back in time and tell my teenage self 3 things, I would tell me…
Hmmmm… How about a little background?
I am part of a vlogging moms group and have been for quite some time and they have this thing they do… a weekly question-of-sorts and I am never able to pull it together enough to join in. Except I did this time, except I am a week late, but WHATEVER.
Jenn Bullock of Mommy B Knows Best has asked the question:
What 3 things would you tell your teenage self if you could go back in time?
This is my teenage self, as seen in her senior picture:
Wouldn’t a Rhythm Nation flashmob be AWESOME?!!!
You weren’t a senior in the late 80’s/early 90’s if you didn’t get a picture with your chin on your hand while paying on the ground. A rite of passage, that was. A rite. Of. Passage.
My advice to me:
If you could go back in time, what would you tell YOUR teenage self? You want to answer in a video? Join in! See the linky below!