Some ways of giving are easier than others.
This is not to say giving should be easy, but when things are easy (as opposed to hard) there is a greater chance of involvement.
*This post is sponsored by Champions for Kids. All opinion is my own.
Right now at Walmart you will find Champions for Kids boxes at the entrance/exits.
The concept is simple: you are shopping for things for your family in, say…Walmart or any grocery or retail store. While you are there, you can shop for some things for another family in need while you are already there. Before you walk through the doors, take the bag(s) of donated items and place them in the box before you leave.
Simple. Simple. Simple.
Yet, BIG.
There are many ways we can each make a difference in our communities… from donating cash to local charities (school booster clubs and food banks), to joining in on work days (those parks don’t pick up trash themselves!), to coordinating and managing tasks… I recently had the opportunity to emcee an event for a local organization. Money isn’t the only way to meet a need. There are many creative ways to give back to your community, and to world communities.
Through Champions for Kids’ #FillTheCart program, we have an easy way to give. When at the store, we are already making an effort to grab things that our own families need. While we are already walking the aisles of the stores and filling our carts, we have an opportunity to fill it a little more (or a lot) with the specific purpose of helping local children who are in need.
In addition to the #FillTheCart effort, Champions for Kids will provide a total of $90,000 in monetary awards, to be divided among school districts and 501(c)(3) youth-based organizations, for those who collect the most donations! So get crackin’ on behalf of YOUR community!
It is so easy. Fill your cart with the things you choose to give, pay for the items, and leave them in the big purple Champions for Kids box at the exit of the store, and know that even your smallest effort makes a big impact.