I woke up the other morning, as I do on mornings.
I wake up.
I woke up before the children to get me my Me Time.
*This is an Acorn Influence sponsored story, featuring items from their Acorn Fall Box. This story and opinion is mine, all mine.
My early-morning Me Time includes (but is not limited to)…
journaling, coffee, and candles and/or essential oil diffusion.
I have been know to both diffuse essential oils AND burn select candles at the same time. I also layer my perfumes and lotions, so I guess I come by such scent-based creativity naturally.
Layer that with a fresh cup of coffee and… it’s a journal-writer’s heaven.
However, my journaling lately looks a lot less like deep-dark secrets and/or inspiration and more like to-do and grocery lists.
Not as magical as candles and fresh brewed coffee. But I’m OK with that right now.
I have found that those minutes in a quiet house offer me the opportunity to target in on what needs to get done for the day. When I do not get those precious few minutes with my journal, coffee, and candle…
my day looks and feels more like a disco pinball machine.
Not to criticize disco pinball machines. It’s just… I prefer to leave the disco pinball lifestyle to actual disco pinball machines. I prefer that when I close my day, I get to peek at my journal one last time and I get to see lots of lines through that list I made hours and hours before.
Lines through listed to-do’s feels a lot like success. Lines through listed to-do’s is way better than a sleeping pill.
For me.
What I am TRYING to say is, my busy little brain can rest when I get stuff done.
It’s amazing how the little things can keep a girl up at night.
Like, say… you have two daughters and no hair ties! “Buy hair ties” goes on my list at least once a month.
There are two things that create chaos in our morning routine, or the lack of two things…
Bobby pins and hair ties.
Did I mention I love my early morning ritual so much? But I digress.
So, in my list-making and to-doing, I write down even the little things because – isn’t funny how the little things become big when THERE ARE SO MANY OF THEM?!
Think ants: one ant is no big deal. But a colony of ants?
Speaking of scary things – HALLOWEEN IS TWO WEEKS AWAY.
I don’t think Halloween is scary. But it’s another thing that makes my to-do list longer. That AND… my kids expect to eat a lot of candy.
Therefore… I expect I will have to fight with them about their candy consumption expectations.
But what if there was a witch who could watch for childrens’ good behavior in the weeks leading up to Halloween and SWITCH much of that candy for something less cavity-evoking?
I think that might take, “Fight with kids about how much candy they can or cannot have everyday” off my list.
Halloween candy makes me CRAZY. I can get down with the idea of The Switch Witch.. For 2 reasons:
- No kids ever need that much candy
- But mom does *winky face*
See? I told you I like to make lists.
Speaking of lists… If you’d like to learn more about the items I featured here in my story here’s the skinny!
Switch Witch
Find out more about Switch Witches on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Available in Target stores everywhere!
Onyx Coffee
Find out more about Onyx Coffee on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
May Designs
.Find out more about May Designs on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Get 20% off your order at May Designs through the end of October – using the code ACORN-20.
Glade Candle
Find out more about Glade Candle on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
Goody Hair Accessories
Find out more about Goody Hair Accessories on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Links to each product are found throughout this post, and each product photo is linked to each site! Take a few minutes – check everything out and let me know how you tackle mornings, lists, and Halloween candy!
*This is an Acorn Influence sponsored story. This story and opinion is mine, all mine.