Take It On Tuesday: The Kitchen Has Been Painted a Beautiful Shade of BLUE!!!

by | Jan 15, 2013 | House & Home, Take It On Tuesday, Video | 10 comments

It is Take It On Tuesday and the kitchen has been painted a beautiful shade of blue!

I call it “On the SPot Blue.”

I wonder why…

Red to blue... kitchen via @jennyonthespot
It took the better part of the weekend. And we had an unfortunate hiccup with the color (the tinted primer was a shade of blue I loved, but the paint was not a blue I loved… so the husband went back to Home Depot and they had to make a new color recipe (what do they call that anyway?)… But it all worked out and we only lost time painting one extra coat due to the mix-up. or two.

Actually, we had to do 2 extra coats of paint due to the lighter color debacle.

These two cans (pictured below) hold the same color (same-ish)… but look closely. The primer in the top pic, the plain-old-paint in the second. The numbers are COMPLETELY different. True, their bases are different, but when they used the numbers from the primer can in the 2400 base… we got a MUCH lighter and colder-looking blue. The second picture is the formula for the blue we wanted based on the color you see in the top picutre.

I’m over explaining. I don’t think I even understand anymore.

different numbers, same color via @jennyonthespot
First world problems.

Now I just need to get a few pictures hung, and get going with my “vision” for the chalkboard painted wall. That wall has a little work yet to be done. It has to set, and I have to cover it in chalk, and wipe it down, and let it set, etc… Maybe by February we will get a peek at that “vision”.

I have a feeling my “vision” isn’t quite letting me see how much chalk dust is going to drive me bonkers.

Live and learn.

Now. What am I going to take on next week…



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Jenny On the Spot

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