Conference Roomie Tips from My Blissdom 2013 Roomies Themselves!

by | Mar 8, 2013 | Conferencing, Video | 2 comments

In less than 2 weeks I will be flying out to Dallas, along with roughly 800 others (I actually don’t have an attendee count, so don’t quote me… aaaaand not EVERYONE is flying, but in an effort to be less wordy… I stink at less words. CLEARLY.)…

What was I saying?

In less than 2 weeks I will be flying out to DALLAS for the BLISSDOM CONFERENCE!

::insert much rejoicing and high kicking here::

I will be rooming with two ladies I have grown to madly love and wildly admire over the years.

I love the onlinez.

Moi, Lucrecer, and Rachel via @jennyonthespot

These gals. Lucrecer and Rachel. That picture is from Evo 2012, last July.

Lu and I have been roomies MANY times over, while this will be a first for Rachel and I.

The conference roomie relationship can be both wonderful and complex. You hear stories of amazing connection, and stories of horror. Rachel, Lucrecer, and I got together on Google Hangout and chatted a little bit about this fine art of roommate-ness… If I had a crystal ball, I bet I would see very little sleep to come in Dallas… But LOTS of laughing.

What about you? Do you have any advice when it comes to the conference roomie relationship? What is your own top tip for making it an awesome experience?


Don’t forget to visit Jenny On the Spot on Facebook. It’s just like here, but it’s not. You know, ‘cuz it’s Facebook, so…And Twitter. And YouTube. Definitely YouTube

Jenny On the Spot

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